About Darko Antanasijevic

You need both Flash Player and JavaScript enabled in your browser to see the beautiful animated Story of Omb

The Story of Omb

The Story of Omb animation

Original animation was created as part of Wideproject, former online portfolio of Darko Antanasijevic, completed in October 2001. Animation is "To be continued…" for over 10 years. In 2006, background color and text are adapted for Antanasijevic.com.

Odd favorites icon

Odd-looking icon shown in address bar (for browsers that support it), represents octopus. Icon is created exclusively for Antanasijevic.com. Omb animation will eventually show evolution of Darko Antanasijevic to octopus.


Cisco, Latitude and Wanadu

Wanadu (USA startup) contracted PS Tech (Belgrade, Serbia) to create a software product. Latitude (USA public company) acquired Wanadu and continued its software product development in Belgrade. Cisco (USA hardware & software giant) acquired Latitude, sold product and continued other software development in Belgrade.

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Turning CSS off will reveal default appearance of a Web page. W3C encourages use of semantic markup. If page elements are based on content's meaning and purpose, pages will "degrade gracefully". Toggle CSS to see for yourself if they do.


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